
ECHS Status : Tuticorin (Tamil Nadu)



Hospital NameRecommendation No.Recommendation DateApplied ForStatus
Sundaram Arulrhaj Hospital, Tuticorin, Tamil Nadu 2016-0802 23 Sep 2016 General Purpose Hospital: General Medicine, General Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Orthopaedics (excluding Joint replacement surgery), ICU & Critical Care Units, ENT, Ophthalmology, Imaging Facilities, Blood Bank, Dermatology, Psychiatry, Dental and Clinical Pathology. Speciality Hospital: Cardiology, Cardiovascular, Urology including Dialysis , Orthopaedic Surgery- including arthroscopy and Joint replacement Surgery, Endoscopic Surgery, Neuro Surgery, Critical Care Medicne, Traumatology, Fertility and Assisted Reproduction, Neonatology.Haematology and Oncology, Neonatology, Onco pathology, Transfusion Medicine, Interventional and Vascular Radiology. Recommended for :General Services: General Medicine*, General Surgery*, Obstetrics and Gynaecology*, Paediatrics*, Orthopaedics*, ICU & Critical Care Units*, ENT*, Ophthalmology*, Dermatology*, Dental*, Psychiatry*. Laboratory Services: Haematology*, Biochemistry*, Microbiology*, Serology*. Imaging Services: X-ray*, Mammography*, USG*, CT Scan*, Interventional and Vascular Radiology*. Specialized Services: Cardiology (consultation and diagnostics)*, Interventional Cardiology*, infertility and assisted reproduction*, Urology- including Lithotripsy*, Nephrology & Dialysis*, Endoscopic Surgery*, Neuro Surgery*, Neuro Medicine*, Gastro Intestinal Surgery* Gastroenterology*, Plastic and Reconstructive surgery*, Medical Oncology*, Respiratory diseases*, Traumatology* and Onco Pathology* *Above recommendations are subjected to availability of following valid legal requirements: •Air and Water clearance from state pollution control board and •Fire NOC which is expired in June 2016. •Valid AERB licence of Cath lab, X-ray, CT scan and Mammography machines

Not Recommended for :Cardio Thoracic Surgery, Vascular Surgery, and Paediatric surgery, Surgical Oncology, Prosthetic Surgery, Rheumatology, Neonatology, Critical Care Medicine, Endocrinology, Transfusion Medicine and Gynaecological Oncology: Specialist are not available on regular fixed days to run OPD IPD and surgical services. Orthopaedic Surgery- including arthroscopy and Joint Replacement Surgery: surgery is done in Split AC OT, HEPA filter/ Laminar flow is required for speciality surgical services.
M/S Sudhiksha Prabhu Hospital, Tuticorin, Tamil Nadu 2018-1337 30 Jul 2018 General Services: General Medicine, General Surgery, Paediatrics, Orthopaedics, ICU and Critical Care Units, ENT. Pathology: Haematology, Biochemistry, Serology. Imaging Facilities, Specialised Services: Cardiology,Interventional cARDIOLOGY, Urology including Lithotripsy, Plastic and Reconstructive surgery, Vascular Surgery, Paediatric surgery, Gynaecological Oncology, Endoscopic surgery, Neuro Medicine, Gstroenterology, Respiratory Diseases,Critical care medicine. Imaging: X Ray, USG. Recommended for :

Not Recommended for :General Services: General Medicine, General Surgery, Paediatrics, Orthopaedics excluding Joint Replacement, ICU & Critical Care Units, ENT, Laboratory Services: Haematology, Biochemistry, Serology. Specialised Services: Cardiology (consultation and diagnostics), Interventional Cardiology, Urology including Dialysis and Lithotripsy, Orthopaedic Surgery including Joint Replacement and arthroscopic Surgery, Endoscopic Surgery, Neuromedicine, Gastroenterology, Endocrinology, Respiratory Diseases, Critical Care Medicine, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Paediatric Surgery, Gynecological Oncology Radio Diagnosis & Imaging: X-Ray, USG The services are not recommended due to following reasons: 1.Inadequate no of qualified RMO’s present in the organisation. No RMO was available in the hospital as per the list of manpower submitted by the hospital. 2.For services like Urology, Gastroenterology, Respiratory Diseases, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Vascular Surgery and Gynaecological Oncology, qualified doctors were not available. 3.Legal License like PCB consent to generate BMW, PCB license for Air & water Pollution, Blood Bank License and MTP license were not available / expired.
Sri Hospitals, N0-57, Ettayapuram Road, Kovilpatti, Tuticorin, Tamil Nadu 2018-1392 29 May 2019 General Purpose Hospital: General Medicine, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Paediatrics, Orthopedics (excluding Joint Replacement), ICU and Critical Care Units, ENT, Imaging facilties, Dermatology, Pathology (Biochemistry, Microbiology, Serology, Immunology, Haematology, Histopathology). Speciality Hospitals: Cardiology, Cardiovascular and Cardiothoracic Surgery, Urology-including Dialysis and Lithiotripsy, Orthopedic Surgery-including arthroscopic surgery and Joint Replacement), Endoscopic Surgery, Neuro Surgery, Neuro Medicine, Gastro-enterology, Endocrinology, Rheumatology, Medical Oncology, Respiratory Diseases, Critical Care Medicine, Radiotherapy, Plastic and Reconstrucitve Surgery, Paediatric Surgery, GI surgery, Traumatology, Prosthetic Surgery, Gynaecological Oncology, Fertility & Assisted Reproduction, Neonatology. DD Not Received Recommended for :General Services: General Medicine, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, ENT, Dermatology Laboratory Services: Haematology, Biochemistry, Serology. Specialised Services: Cardiology (consultation and diagnostics), Urology including Dialysis and Lithotripsy, Orthopaedic Surgery including Joint Replacement and arthroscopic Surgery, Neuromedicine, Gastroenterology, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Paediatric Surgery, Physiotherapy Radio Diagnosis & Imaging: X-Ray

Not Recommended for :Oncosurgery* * There is no consultant as per the list of consultant provided by the hospital


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