Sai Preet Bhalke Vyedehi Hospital, Bidar, Karnataka
06 Jun 2018
General Medicine, General Surgery, Obstetrics &
Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Orthopaedics, ICU and
Critical Care Units, ENT, Ophthalomology, Imaging
Facilities, Blood Bank, Dermatology, Psychiatry, Dental,
Pathology, Cardiology, Cardivascular and Cardiothroacic
Surgery, Urology including Dialysis and Lithotripsy,
Orthopaedic surgery including Arthrospcic surgery and
Joint Replacement, Neuro Surgery, Neuro Medicine,
Gastroenterology, Clinical Haematology, Medical
Oncology, Respiratory Diseases, Crtical Care Medicine,
Medical Genetics, Plastic and Reconstructive surgery,
Paediatric surgery, Onco Surgery, Neonatology,
Endocrinology, Oncology
Recommended for :
Not Recommended for :General Services: General Medicine, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Orthopaedics excluding Joint Replacement, ICU & Critical Care Units, ENT,
Specialised Services: Cardiology (consultation and diagnostics), Interventional Cardiology, Urology including Dialysis and Lithotripsy, Orthopaedic Surgery including Joint Replacement and arthroscopic Surgery, Neuro Surgery
The services are not recommended due to following:
1.Inadequate No. of qualified (GNM & above) nursing staff available in the hospital as per IPHS guidelines. On the day of inspection, only 10 GNM nursing staff was available for 98 operational beds as per the manpower list submitted by the hospital.
2.Inadequate No. of qualified RMO’s available in the hospital as per IPHS guidelines. On the day of inspection, no MBBS qualified RMO was available in the hospital as per the manpower list submitted by the hospital.
3.Non-Allopathic RMO’s are providing ICU care.