
ECHS Status : Churu (Rajasthan)



Hospital NameRecommendation No.Recommendation DateApplied ForStatus
LN Memorial Shivam Ortho and General Hospital, Churu, Rajasthan 2017-1146 02 Feb 2018 General Purpose Hospital: General Medicine, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Orthopedics (excluding Joint Replacement),ICU and Critical care units, ENT, Dental, Pathology (Biochemisry, Microbiology, Serology, Immunology, Haematology, Histopathology), Physiotherapy. Speciality Hospitals: Urology,Orthopedic Surgery-inlcduing arthroscopic surgery and Joint Replacement, Neuro Surgery, Critical care medicine, Traumatology, Specialised Dental Procedures (Oral Maxillo facial surgery, Orthodontia, Prosthodonita, Periodonta, Endodontia, Paedodontia). Super Speciality Hospital: Specialised Orthppedic Treatment facilities that include Joint replacement surgery,Gastroenterology and GI surgery Recommended for :General Services: General Medicine, General Surgery, Orthopaedics excluding Joint Replacement, ICU & Critical Care Units, ENT, Dental, Physiotherapy Laboratory Services: Haematology, Biochemistry Specialised Services: Urology, Orthopaedic Surgery including Joint Replacement and arthroscopic Surgery, Neuro Surgery, Radio Diagnosis & Imaging: X-Ray, The above services are recommended subjected to the submission of the following licenses to ECHS: 1.PCB License for Air Pollution.

Not Recommended for :Obstetrics and Gynaecology* *The service is not recommended due to absence of inhouse USG facility
Soni Hospital Pilani Mod Sadulpur - 331023, distt. -Churu (Raj.), Churu, Rajasthan 2019-1610 06 Oct 2020 General Purpose Hospital: General Medicine, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Paediatrics, Orthopedics (excluding Joint Replacement), ICU and Critical Care Units, Imaging facilties, Blood Bank, Dental, Pathology (Biochemistry, Microbiology, Serology, Immunology, Haematology, Histopathology) Speciality Hospitals: Urology, Orthopedic Surgery-including arthroscopic surgery and Joint Replacement), Endoscopic Surgery, Clinical Haematology, Respiratory Diseases, Critical Care Medicine, GI surgery Recommended for :

Not Recommended for :General services: General Medicine, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Orthopaedics (Excluding Joint Replacement), ICU and Critical Care Units, ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Blood storage, General Dental Laboratory: Biochemistry, Microbiology, Immunology, Haematology Imaging facilities X ray, outsourced- USG, CT scan, MRI Specialised Services: Urology, Orthopaedic Surgery-including arthroscopic surgery and Joint Replacement), Endoscopic Surgery, Clinical Haematology, Respiratory Diseases, Critical Care Medicine, GI surgery
Churu Multispeciality Hospital and Research Centre Ward No. 16, Nai Sadak, Churu, Rajasthan 2020-1689 11 Feb 2021 General Purpose Hospital: General Medicine, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Paediatrics, Orthopedics (excluding Joint Replacement), ICU and Critical Care Units, Imaging facilties, Blood Bank Speciality Hospitals: Orthopedic Surgery-including arthroscopic surgery and Joint Replacement), Neuro Medicine, Critical Care Medicine, Traumatology, Neonatology Recommended for :General services: General Medicine, General Surgery with laparoscopy, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Orthopaedics (excluding Joint Replacement), ICU and Critical Care Units, Physiotherapy Specialised services: Orthopaedic Surgery-including arthroscopic surgery and Joint Replacement, Critical Care Medicine, Traumatology, Neonatology Imaging: USG, X RAY Laboratory: Haematology & Biochemistry

Not Recommended for :Neuro Medicine due to non-availability of qualified medical professionals as per the list of consultant provided by the hospital. Blood Bank as the service is out scoured. Advisory: The HCO is advised to maintain the adequate number of nursing staff as per the IPHS standard
Soni Hospital, Purana Falsa, Pilani Road, Churu, Rajasthan 2020-1818 27 Oct 2021 General Purpose Hospital: General Medicine, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Paediatrics, Orthopedics (excluding Joint Replacement), ICU and Critical Care Units, ENT, Imaging facilties, Blood Bank Speciality Hospitals: Urology-including Dialysis and Lithiotripsy, Orthopedic Surgery-including arthroscopic surgery and Joint Replacement), Endoscopic Surgery, Gastro-enterology, Respiratory Diseases, Critical Care Medicine, Paediatric Surgery, GI surgery, Traumatology, Neonatology, Transfusion Medicine Recommended for :General Services: General Medicine, General Surgery, Orthopaedics excluding Joint Replacement, Paediatrics, ICU and Critical Care Units, Dental, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Blood Bank Laboratory: Haematology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Pathology Imaging: X Ray, Specialised Services: Urology including lithotripsy, Gastroenterology, Endoscopic Surgery, Critical Care Medicine

Not Recommended for :Traumatology, Neonatology, ENT, GI surgery, Paediatric Surgery, Transfusion Medicine, Respiratory Diseases, Nephrology as the consultants are not furnished in the list provided by the hospital. Dialysis due non availability of the in-house facility, Joint Replacement due to non-availability of specialised features of Laminar Flow in Operation Theatre Advisory: Hospital is advised to ensure availability of the TLD badges with monitoring report of all professionals exposed to radiation & continuation of the valid Blood bank storage licence.
Heart Care And General Hospital New Road WN.16, Churu, Rajasthan, Churu, Rajasthan 2021-2021 21 Jul 2022 General Medicine, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Orthopedics (excluding Joint Replacement), ICU and Critical Care units, Ophthalmology, Imaging facilities,Orthopedic Surgery - including arthroscopic surgery and Joint Replacement, Critical Care Medicine Recommended for :General services: General Medicine, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Orthopaedics (excluding joint replacement), Ophthalmology Specialized services: Orthopaedic Surgery (including arthroscopic surgery and Joint Replacement). Laboratory services: Haematology, Pathology, Biochemistry, Immunology Imaging services- X ray

Not Recommended for :ICU and critical care units, Critical care medicine as the anaesthetist is on call basis as per the assessor observation on the day of the inspection. Blood bank and microbiology as the services are outsourced.


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