Hospital Name | Recommendation No. | Recommendation Date | Applied For | Status |
Brijlal Hospital & Research Centre, Anandi Tower, Nanital Road, Haldwani (Nanital), Uttarakhand
17 Sep 2014
General Purpose Hospital: General Medicine, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, ENT, Ophthalmology, Paediatrics, Dental, Psychiatry, Microbiology, Pathology, Orthopaedics, Radio Diagnosis) and
Speciality Hospital: Neuro-Surgery, Neuro Medicine, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Vascular Survery (except CTVS) Cardiology (consulation and diagnostics), Gastro-enterology, Genito-urinary Surgery, Nephrology, Surgical Oncology, Gastrointestinal Surgery, Clinical Haematology, Medical Oncology, Traumatology, Joint Replacement Surgery, Clinical Care Medicine, Prosthetic Surgery, Respiratory Diseases, Laparoscopy Surgery, Gynaecological Oncology, Paediatric Neonatology, Paediatric Haematology, Onco-Pathology, CT Scan, MRI, Orthodontia, Oral Surgery, Spinal Surgery), Dermatology and Physiotherapy
Recommended for :General Medicine, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, ENT, Ophthalmology, Paediatrics, Dental, Psychiatry, Microbiology, Pathology, Orthopaedics, Radio Diagnosis, Dermatology and Physiotherapy.
Speciality Hospital: Neuro-Surgery, Neuro Medicine, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Vascular Survery (except CTVS) Cardiology (consulation and diagnostics), Gastro-enterology, Genito-urinary Surgery, Nephrology, Surgical Oncology, Gastrointestinal Surgery, Clinical Haematology, Medical Oncology, Traumatology, Joint Replacement Surgery, Clinical Care Medicine, Prosthetic Surgery, Respiratory Diseases, Laparoscopy Surgery, Gynaecological Oncology, Paediatric Neonatology, Paediatric Haematology, Onco-Pathology, CT Scan, MRI, Orthodontia, Oral Surgery, Spinal Surgery) and Interventional Cardiology
Bombay Hospital & Research Centre, Near Saurabh Hotel, Avas Vikas Road, Haldwani (Nanital), Uttarakhand
03 Jun 2015
Applied for General Services-General Medicine, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Orthopaedics, ICU & Critical Care Units and Laboratory (Haematology & Biochemistry) and for Specialised Services - Orthopaedic Surgery- including arthroscopy and Joint Replacement Surgery, Neuro-Surgery, Traumatology, Respiratory Diseases, Critical Care Medicine and Clinical Haematology, Psychiatry,Imaging facilities,Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery,Prosthetic Surgery,Gastroenterology,Neonatology
Recommended for :General Medicine, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Orthopaedics, ICU & Critical Care Units, ENT, Ophthalmology, Dental, Phychiatry and Physiotherapy.
Laboratory Services:Haematology & Biochemistry.
Imaging Services: X-ray and USG.
Specialised Services: Orthopaedic Surgery- including arthroscopy and Joint Replacement Surgery, Neuro-Surgery, Traumatology, Respiratory Diseases, Critical Care Medicine, Clinical Haematology, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and Neonatology.
Not Recommended for :Microbiology.
Balaji Hospital, Samta Ashram Lane, Rampura Road, Haldwani (Nanital), Uttarakhand
21 Mar 2013
Applied for General Purpose Hospital: General Medicine, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Orthopaedics, ICU and Critical Care Units, Laboratory services:, Clinical Pathology, Biochemistry and Imaging Facilities: X-Ray, USG,Blood Bank
Recommended for :Recommended for General Purpose Hospital: General Medicine, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Orthopaedics, ICU and Critical Care Units, Laboratory services:, Clinical Pathology, Biochemistry and Imaging Facilities: X-Ray, USG
Not Recommended for :Blood Bank
Central Hospital (Unit of SSGR Hospital & Research Centre Pvt. Ltd.), Gas Godam Road, Kusumkhera, Haldwani (Nanital), Uttarakhand
09 Dec 2014
General Purpose Hospital: General Medicine, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Paediatrics, Orthopedics(excluding Joint Replacement), ICU and Critical Care Units, Ophthalmology, Imaging Facilities, Patholoty(Biochemistry, Microbiology, Serology, Immunology, Haematology, Histopathology etc.).
Speciality Hospital: Cardiology, Cardiovascular and Cardiothoracic Surgery, Urology including Dialysis and Lithotripsy, Orthopedic Surgery including arthroscopic surgery and Joint Replacement, Endoscopic Surgery, Neuro Surgery, Neuro Medicine, Gastroenterology, Endocrinology, Clinical Haematology, Medical Oncology, Respiratory Diseases, Critical Care Medicine, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Traumatology, Prosthetic Surgery, Gynecological Oncology, Paediatric Cardilogy, Neonatology.
Recommended for :Recommended for General Services: General Medicine, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Orthopaedics, ICU and Critical Care Units and Physiotherapy.
Laboratory Services: Clinical Pathology, Haematology, Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology.
Imaging Services: X-ray*, USG*, USG Doppler, EEG*, EMG*, ECG* and CT Scan*.
Specialised Services: Urology including Dialysis and Lithotripsy**, Orthopedic Surgery including arthroscopy and Joint Replacement Surgery, Endoscopic Surgery, Neuro Surgery, Neuro Medicine, Gastrointestinal Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Respiratory Diseases, Traumatology, Critical Care Medicine, Prosthetic Surgery, Neonatology and Nephrology.
*Above recommendations are subject to AERB approval of radiology equipments- CT Scan, which are waited for and TLD Badges for staff.
**Lithotripsy facilities not present. Urology and Dialysis are recommended.
Not Recommended for :ENT, Interventional Cardiology, Medical Oncology and Paediatric Haematology,
City Hospital & Research Centre, Barielly Road, Teenpati, Haldwani (Nanital), Uttarakhand
07 Sep 2015
General Purpose Hospital: General Medicine, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Paediatrics, Orthopedics (excluding Joint Replacement), ICU and Critical care Units, ENT, Imaging facilities and Blood bank
Recommended for :General Services : General Medicine*, General Surgery*, Obstetrics and Gynaecology*,Paediatrics*, Orthopaedics*, ICU & Critical Care Units*, ENT*,
Imaging Facilities : X Ray**, USG*
**Above recommendations are subjected to availability of valid certificate of approval of AERB.
*Above recommendations are subjected to availability of BMW approval certificate from state Govt, Pollution Control Board Authorities, Which is presently under renewal process.
Birjesh Hospital, Ramnagar, Haldwani (Nanital), Uttarakhand
28 Mar 2018
General Purpose Hospital: General Medicine,General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Paediatrics, Orthopedics (including Joint Replacement), ICU and critical units, ENT, Ophthalmology, Imaging facilities, Blood bank,Dermatology, Psychiatry, Dental, Pathology (Biochemisry, Microbiology, Serology, Immunology, Haematology, Histopathology).
Speciality Hospitals: Urology-inclduing Dialysis and Lithotripsy, Orthopedic Surgery-inclduing arthroscopic surgery and Joint replacement,Endoscopic surgery, Neuro Medicine, Gastroenterology, Endocrinology,Respiratory Diseases,Critical care medicine, Medical Genetics, Plastic and Reconstructive surgery, Vascular surgery, Paediatric surgery, GI Surgery, Traumatology, Prosthetic Surgery, Gynecological Oncology, Neonatology, Transfusion Medicine, Specialised Dental Procedures( Oral Maxillo facial surgery, orthodontia, prosthodontia, Periodontia, Endodontia, Paedodontia).
Super speciality Hospital: Specialised Orthopedic Treatment facilities that include Joint Replacement surgery, Nephrology and Urology, Endocrinology.
Recommended for :General Services: General Medicine, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Orthopaedics excluding Joint Replacement, ICU & Critical Care Units, ENT, Dental
Specialised Services: Urology including Lithotripsy, Orthopaedic Surgery including Joint Replacement and arthroscopic Surgery
Radio Diagnosis & Imaging: X-Ray, USG, CT.
The above services are recommended subjected to the submission of the following licenses to ECHS:
1. PCB License for Air & Water Pollution
Central Hospital Trauma & Heart Care Centre, Haldwani (Nanital), Uttarakhand
04 Jun 2018
General Purpose :- General Medicine, General Surgery,
Obstetrics and Gynecology, Paediatrics, Orthopedics
(exculding Joint Replacement), ICU and Critical Care
units, Ophthalmology, Imaging facilities, Pathology,
Dialysis, Cardiology, Cardiovascular and Cardiothoracic
surgery, Urology - including Dialysis and Lithotripsy,
Orthopedic surgery - including arthroscopic surgery and
Joint Replacement, Endoscopic Surgery, Neuro Surgery,
Neuro Medicine, Gastro-enterology, Endocrinology,
Rheumatology, Clinical Haematology, Medical Oncology,
Respiratory Diseases, Crtical Care Medicine, Plastic and
Reconstructive Surgery, Vascular Surgery,
Traumatology, Prosthetic Surgery, Gyncological
Oncology, Neonatology, Paediatric Cardiology
Recommended for :Specialised Services: Cardiology (consultation and diagnostics), Interventional Cardiology.
The above services are recommended subjected to the submission of the following licenses to ECHS:
1.PCB Consent to generate BMW.
2.PCB License for Air & Water Pollution.
3.Valid License under PCPNDT Act.
4.Valid Pharmacy License including narcotic and Psychotropic Drugs.
Sai Hospital, Haldwani (Nanital), Uttarakhand
30 Jul 2018
"General Purpose Hospital: General Medicine, General Surgery, Paediatrics, Obstrics and Gynecology, Orthopaedics (excluding Joint Replacement), ICU and Critical Care units,ENT, Dental, Opthalamology, Pathology: Haematology, Biochemistry, Serology, Radiology & other Imaging Services: X-Ray,USG,CT.
Speciality Hospitals:Urology including Dialysis and Lithiotripsy, Neuro Surgery, Orthopedic surgery-including Arthroscopic Surgery and Joint Replacement, Endocsopic surgery, Neuro Medicine, Respiratory Diseases"
Recommended for :General Services: General Medicine, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Orthopaedics excluding Joint Replacement, ICU & Critical Care Units, ENT, Ophthalmology, Dental
Laboratory Services: Haematology, Biochemistry, Serology
Specialised Services: Orthopaedic Surgery including Joint Replacement and arthroscopic Surgery, Endoscopic Surgery, Neuromedicine, Respiratory Diseases
Radio Diagnosis & Imaging: X-Ray, USG, CT
The above services are recommended subjected to the submission of the following documents:
1.PCB license for air and water pollution
2.Registration of RSO from AERB
Not Recommended for :Urology including Dialysis and Lithotripsy*, Neuro Surgery*
*The service is not recommended due to non-availability of qualified doctors
Krishna Hospital & Research Centre, 3/136, Gurunanak Pura, Haldwani (Nanital), Uttarakhand
31 Oct 2019
General Purpose Hospital: Imaging facilties (MRI, BMD, Mammography)
Speciality Hospitals: Cardiology (Interventional), Orthopedic Surgery-including arthroscopic surgery and Joint Replacement), Neuro Medicine.
Recommended for :Specialised Services: Interventional Cardiology, Orthopaedic Surgery including Joint Replacement and arthroscopic Surgery, Neuromedicine
Radio Diagnosis & Imaging: BMD, Mammography, MRI
The services are recommended subject to the submission of the following documents to ECHS within three months:
-PCB License for Air Pollution
-PCB License for Water Pollution
The mis-match in the number of beds in PCB for BMW and actual number of beds in the hospital may also be rectified.
Mattrix Hospital and Accident Care Pvt Ltd, Lal Danth Kaladungi Road, Near Meera Marbles, Haldwani (Nanital), Uttarakhand
21 Dec 2021
Speciality Hospital: Orthopedic surgery including Arthroscopy and Joint Replacement
Recommended for :Specialized Services Orthopaedic Surgery including Arthroscopy and Joint Replacement,
General Services: Physiotherapy
Laboratory: Haematology, Biochemistry, immunology, Imaging X ray (portable)
Not Recommended for :Microbiology as it is outsourced
Advisory: Hospital is advised to ensure availability of required number of qualified and registered MBBS general duty doctors/ resident medical doctors as per IPHS standards i.e., for 30-50 beds 07 is the required number and to ensure proper records maintenance of purchase and consumption of Narcotic drugs.
S. K. Nursing Home, G B Pant Marg, Tikonia, Haldwani (Nanital), Uttarakhand
21 Jul 2022
General Medicine, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Pediatrics, ICU and critical care units.
Recommended for :
Not Recommended for :• Non-availability of current and valid hospital registration from State Health Authority.