
ECHS Status : Satara (Maharashtra)



Hospital NameRecommendation No.Recommendation DateApplied ForStatus
Sahyadri Karad Hospitals Private Limited, Advocate Dadasaheb Chavan Nagar, AIP Warunji Phata, Taluka Karad, Satara, Maharashtra 2013-0273 07 Mar 2014 Applied for General Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Orthopaedics, ICU and Critical care units, Haematology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Emergency, General Surgery, Paediatrics, ENT, Ophthalmology, Infertility and Assisted Reproduction, Endoscopic surgery, Gastro intestinal surgery, Laparoscopic surgery, CT Scan, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Cardiology (Consultation and Diagnostics),Urology, Orthopaedic surgery including arthroscopy and Joint replacement Surgery, Neurosurgery, Gastroenterology, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Medical Oncology, Surgical Oncology, Respiratory Disease, Critical care medicine, Clinical Haematology, Prosthetic Surgery, Neonatology, Nephrology including dialysis Recommended for :Recommended for General Services: General Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Orthopaedics, ICU and Critical care units, Haematology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Emergency.

Not Recommended for :General Surgery,Paediatrics, ENT, Ophthalmology,Infertility and Assisted Reproduction, Endoscopic surgery, Gastro intestinal surgery, Laparoscopic surgery, CT Scan, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Cardiology (Consultation and Diagnostics),Urology, Orthopaedic surgery including arthroscopy and Join t replacement Surgery,Neurosurgery,Gastroenterology, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery,Medical Oncology, Surgical Oncology, Respiratory Disease,Critical care medicine,Clinical Haematology,Prosthetic Surgery, Neonatology,Nephrology including dialysis
Satara Hospital & Research Centre Pvt. Ltd. , Satara, Maharashtra 2015-0677 15 Mar 2016 General Purpose Hospital: General Medicine, General Surgery, Orthopedics (Excluding Joint Replacement), ICU & Critical Care, Imaging Facilities, Blood Bank, Laboratory Services. Specialty Hospital: Urology - including Dialysis & Lithotripsy, Endoscopic Surgery, Neuro Medicine, Gastroenterology, Medical Oncology, Respiratory Diseases, Critical Care Medicine, GI Surgery, Traumatology, Special Dental Serivices (Oral Maxillofacial Surgery, Orthodontia, Prosthodontia, Periodontia, Endodontia, Paedodontia) Recommended for :General Services: General Medicine, General Surgery, ICU & Critical Care Units and Psychiatry (OPD only) Imaging Services: X-ray*, USG. Specialized Services: Cardiology (consultation and Diagnostics), Nephrology & Dialysis, Endoscopic surgery, Neuro Medicine.

Not Recommended for :Orthopaedics, Gastroenterology, Gastro intestinal surgery, Medical Oncology.
Satara Diagnostic Centre and Multispeciality Hospital, Satara, Maharashtra 2016-0702 30 May 2016 General Purpose Hospital: General Medicine, General Surgery, Orthopaedics(excluding Joint replacement surgery), ICU & Critical Care Units, ENT, Imaging Facilities and Blood bank, Pathology(Haematology, Biochemistry, Serology, Immunology, Histopathology & Microbiology). Speciality Hospital: Cardiology, Cardiovascular and Cardio Thoracic Surgery, Urology including Dialysis & Lithotripsy, Orthopaedic Surgery- including arthroscopy and Joint replacement Surgery, Endoscopic Surgery, Neuro Surgery, Neuro Medicine, Gastro enterology, Respiratory Diseas, Critical Care Medicine, Vascular Surgery, GI SUrgery, Traumatology, Interventional and Vascular Radiology and Specialised Dental Procedures (Oral Maxillo Facial Surgery, Orthodontia, Prosthodontia, Periodontia, Endodontia, Paedodontia). Recommended for :General Services: General Medicine, General Surgery, Paediatrics, Orthopaedics, ICU & Critical Care Units, Ophthalmology (General & Cataract only). Laboratory Services: Haematology and Biochemistry Imaging Services: X-ray & C-arm, Mammography, USG, MRI, Interventional and Vascular Radiology, CT Scan. Specialised Services: Cardio thoracic Surgery, Cardiology (consultation and diagnostics), Interventional Cardiology, Genito Urinary Surgery, Urology-including Lithotripsy, Orthopaedic Surgery-including arthroscopy and Joint Replacement Surgery, Neuro Medicine, Vascular Surgery, Respiratory Diseases, Traumatology, Critical Care Medicine. Advisory: Warning signages for the Radiations as per AERB guidelines should be there at various sites in radiology department. Note: As the hospital is only 35 Bedded and applied under multispecialty category, so final decision regarding type of city and number of beds required can be taken by ECHS.

Not Recommended for :Gastro intestinal surgery, Gastroenterology, Nephrology and Dialysis: non availability of specialist consultant for these services. Neuro surgery: No microscope available for the specialised surgeries. ENT: Specialist consultant is on call and no OPD and OT facility available for the service.
Onco-Life Cancer Centre Pvt Ltd, Shendre, Satara, Maharashtra 2017-0959 06 Jun 2017 Pathology, Spl Hosp Medical Oncology, Radiotherapy, Nuclear Medicine, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Onco Surgery, Gynecological Oncology, Haematology and Oncology, Oncopathology Super Spl Hosp. Oncology Recommended for :General Services: ICU & Critical Care Units* Laboratory Services: Haematology*, Biochemistry*. Imaging Services: X-ray* Specialised Services: Gynaecological Oncology*, Surgical Oncology*,Medical Oncology*, Radiotherapy & Brachytherapy* Pathology: Onco Pathology* *Above recommendations are subjected to availability of following valid legal requirements: -Air and Water clearance from state pollution board. -Fire NOC from state fire department. -AERB registration for X-ray mobile machine
Meenakshi Multispeciality Hospital S. No. 6/1 +2, Plot no. 4 & 5, Satara Koregaon Road, opp. Irrigation Office,, Satara, Maharashtra 2019-1662 25 Feb 2020 General Purpose Hospital: General Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology, ICU and Critical Care Units, Blood Bank(os). Speciality Hospitals: Gastro-enterology, Respiratory Diseases, Critical Care Medicine Recommended for :

Not Recommended for :General services: General Medicine, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, ICU and Critical Care Units, Blood Bank (Blood transfusion). Specialised Services: *Gastro-enterology. Laboratory Services: Clinical Pathology, Haematology, Biochemistry, *Microbiology. Radio Diagnosis & Imaging: X-Ray, *USG The above services are not recommended due the following reasons: •Inadequate no of qualified (GNM or above) nursing staff available in the hospital as per IPHS guidelines. On the day of inspection only 3 qualified nurses were available as per the list of manpower submitted. •Inadequate no of qualified RMO available in the hospital as per IPHS guidelines. On the day of inspection only 1 qualified RMO’s were available as per the list of manpower submitted. * For the services (Microbiology, Gastroenterology) there was no medical professional found in the list of doctors provided by the hospital.


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