
ECHS Status : Guntur (Andhra Pradesh)



Hospital NameRecommendation No.Recommendation DateApplied ForStatus
A1 Hospitals 13-2-1, Beside NTR Blood Bank, Kothapeta, Guntur - 522001, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh 2019-1536 09 Dec 2019 General Purpose Hospital: General Medicine, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Paediatrics, Orthopedics (excluding Joint Replacement), ICU and Critical Care Units, ENT, Ophthalmology, Imaging facilties, Blood Bank, Dermatology, Psychiatry, Dental, Pathology (Biochemistry, Microbiology, Serology, Immunology, Haematology, Histopathology).Speciality Hospitals: Orthopedic Surgery-including arthroscopic surgery and Joint Replacement), Endoscopic Surgery, Neuro Surgery, Neuro Medicine, Gastro-enterology, Endocrinology,Clinical Haematology, Medical Oncology, Respiratory Diseases, Critical Care Medicine, Plastic and Reconstrucitve Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Paediatric Surgery, GI surgery, Gynaecological Oncology Recommended for :General Services: General Surgery, Orthopaedics excluding Joint Replacement Laboratory Services: Haematology, Biochemistry Specialised Services: Orthopaedic Surgery including Joint Replacement and arthroscopic Surgery* Radio Diagnosis & Imaging: X-Ray * The service (Orthopedic Surgery- including arthroscopy and Joint Replacement Surgery) not recommended as there is no laminar flow in the OT
Omega Hospital (A unit of Guntur institute of Oncology), D no. 55-1-11, Mehar Nagar, Near Mehar Baba Temple, Autonagar, Guntur - 522001, Andhra Pradesh, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh 2019-1564 12 Dec 2019 General Purpose Hospital: General Medicine, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Paediatrics, Orthopedics (excluding Joint Replacement), ICU and Critical Care Units, ENT, Imaging facilties, Blood Bank,Dermatology, Dental, Pathology (Biochemistry, Microbiology, Serology, Immunology, Haematology, Histopathology)Speciality Hospitals: Urology-including Dialysis and Lithiotripsy, Orthopedic Surgery-including arthroscopic surgery and Joint Replacement), Endoscopic Surgery, Neuro Surgery, Neuro Medicine, Gastro-enterology, Endocrinology, Rheumatology, Clinical Haematology, Medical Oncology, Respiratory Diseases, Critical Care Medicine, Radiotherapy(os), Nuclear Medicine(os),Plastic and Reconstrucitve Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Paediatric Surgery, Onco Surgery, GI surgery, Traumatology, Prosthetic Surgery,Gynaecological Oncology,Fertility and Assisted Reproduction, Neonatology, Haematology & Oncology, Onco-pathology,Transfusion Medicine, Interventional & Vascualr Radiology, Specialised Dental Procedures (Oral Maxillo facial Surgery, Orthodontia, Prosthodontia, Periodontia, Endodontia, Paedodontia) Recommended for :General Services: ICU & Critical Care Units* Specialised Services: Endoscopic Surgery*, Clinical Haematology*, Medical Oncology*, Radiotherapy*, Nuclear Medicine*, Oncosurgery*, Gynecological Oncology* Radio Diagnosis & Imaging: X-Ray*, USG*, CT* * The above services are not recommended due to Inadequate no of RMO’s available in the hospital as per IPHS guidelines. On the day of inspection only 6 RMO’s were present.
Brinda Neuro Centre, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh HOS/2022/E0404 07 Mar 2023 Recommended for :
VIKAAS HOSPITALS - A Unit of Swarnandhra Medicare Pvt Ltd, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh HOS/2024/E1599 21 May 2024 Recommended for :


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